Chapter 7. lpq - Status Monitoring Program

Table of Contents
7.1. lpq Queue Selection (lpq -Pprinter, lpq -a)
7.2. lpq Job Selection
7.3. lpq Short Format (lpq -s)
7.4. lpq Long Format (lpq, lpq -l, lpq -L)
7.5. lpq Verbose Format (lpq -v)
7.6. Job Taking Too Long - Stalled
7.7. Configuring Format and Displayed Information

The lpq program is the main method used to monitor queues. You can obtain the available options by using:

    h4: {306} % lpq -=
    lpq: Illegal option '='
    usage: lpq [-aAclV] [-Ddebuglevel] [-Pprinter] [-tsleeptime]
      -a           - all printers
      -c           - clear screen before update
      -l           - increase (lengthen) detailed status information
                     additional l flags add more detail.
      -L           - maximum detailed status information
      -n linecount - linecount lines of detailed status information
      -Ddebuglevel - debug level
      -Pprinter    - specify printer
      -s           - short (summary) format
      -tsleeptime  - sleeptime between updates
      -V           - print version information

7.1. lpq Queue Selection (lpq -Pprinter, lpq -a)

If no queue is specified, then the default queue is used, with -Pprinter@host causing a direct connection to the named host. The -a literal selects all queues.