6.8. Record Queue Name in Control File

Options used:

The :qq use queuename option tells LPRng to record the queue name that a job was originally queued to in the control file as the Q information. The force_queuename=... entry forces the queue name to be the specified value. For example, the following printcap entry and lpr commands will result in a filter being passed the arguments shown below.

    lpr -Ppr1_landscape      lpr -Ppr1_portrait
      control file -
        Qpr1_landscape          Qpr1_portrait
    filter command line:
      ... -Qpr1_landscape     ... -Qpr1_portrait

The force_queuename can be used for force a specific value into the control file Q information.

    lpr -Pjohn
      control file -
    filter command line:
      ... -Qoffice