7.7. Configuring Format and Displayed Information

The following sections describe options that are used by the lpd server to control how it will return status information to a lpq request.

7.7.1. Display Class Information

Options used:

Setting the class_in_status option causes the class name rather than priority to be displayed in the status information.

7.7.2. Reverse Short and Long lpq Formats

Options used:

Various Solaris and other System V implementations support an RFC1179 interface to remote printers. Unfortunately, there is a problem in that when they send a status request, the status format is reversed. That is, when LONG status format is wanted, they send SHORT, and vice versa.

The reverse_lpq_format= specifies a list of printers or IP addresses for which the lpd server will return LONG status when SHORT is requested, and vice versa. For example:


will cause hosts whose Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) ends in eng.com or from subnet to have reversed status returned.

7.7.3. Status Line Length and Line Count

Options used:

In order to be compatible with non-LPRng client programs, some administrators would like lpd to return a short or brief status to normal status queries.

The return_short_status= specifies a list of printers or IP addresses for which the lpd server will return an abbreviated status when LONG status is requested. For example:


will cause hosts whose Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) ends in eng.com or from subnet to get only 3 lines of detailed status returned.

7.7.4. lpq Status Format Determined by Requesting Host Address

Options used:

In order to be compatible with non-LPRng client programs which are totally unpredictable, this allows the administrator to specify the format for lpq status when requests arrive.

The force_lpq_status= specifies a list of formats and printers or IP addresses for which the lpd server will return status in the specified format. The entry has the format KEY=list;KEY=list... where KEY is s for short and l for long format, and list is a list of hosts or IP addresses. For example:


will cause hosts whose Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) matches pc*eng.com or from subnet to get short status returned and hosts which match sun*.eng.com get long status.