Chapter 14. Configuration File, Defaults and Overrides

Table of Contents
14.1. Configuration File Format
14.2. Legacy Compatibility

Options used:

The LPRng options are obtained as follows:

14.1. Configuration File Format

The configuration file format is similar to a the fields of a printcap entry with the difference that the leading colon is optional and there can only be one option per line:

    # comment
    # set option value to 1 or ON
    # set option value to 0 or OFF
    # set option value to string

During system installation the LPRng software processes the default values in the LPRng/src/common/vars.c file and generates a sample lpd.conf file that has the format:

    # Purpose: always print banner, ignore lpr -h option
    #   default ab@ (FLAG off)
    # Purpose: query accounting server when connected
    #   default achk@ (FLAG off)
    # Purpose: accounting at end (see also af, la, ar, as)
    #   default ae=jobend $H $n $P $k $b $t  (STRING)
    # Purpose: name of accounting file (see also la, ar)
    #   default af=acct  (STRING)
    # change:
    # --- we change the af value to none, i.e. - no accounting
    # --- file by default

You can change option values by editing the file as shown above then then to force the lpd server to use the new options, use the lpc reread command.