Options used:
bk_filter_options=Backwards Compatible Filter options
bk_of_filter_options=Backwards Compatible OF Filter options
bkf FLAG Backwards Compatible Filters
filter_ld_path=Filter LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
filter_options=Filter options
filter_path=Filter PATH environment
of_filter_options=OF Filter options
pass_env=Environment variables to copy to Filter environment
pl=line count for page
pw=column count for page
px=pixel width for page
py=pixel length for page
A filter (or program) specification in the LPRng printcap database has the form:
:option=| [flags] /path [argument | "argument" | 'argument' ]* :option=[flags] /path [argument | "argument" | 'argument' ]*
The first case is used where the option value can be a string or filter, and the second where a program is always expected. The following procedure is used to run a filter program. Arguments in single or double quotes are passed as a single value, as for a shell.
The sequence of operations to run a filter is as follows:
The program must be specified with an absolute path name.
By default, the program is run as the user if invoked from a client program such as lpr, lpc, etc. If invoked from lpd, it is run as the user ID specified by the :user (default daemon) configuration entry.
The filter_path (default /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin, and filter_ld_path (default /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib, configuration options specifies the value of the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables.
The filter_path (default /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin, and filter_ld_path (default /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib, configuration option specifies the value of the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. The other enviroment variables are described in LPRng ftp mirror sites Filter Environment Variables
ROOT Flag. If the ROOT flag is specified the filter is executed with Userid and Effective Userid ROOT (User ID 0). By default it is executed with the user and group configuration option user and group ids. Running a filter as ROOT is extremely dangerous, and should only be used for programs that require root permissions to open files or make network connections from privileged ports.
$- or -$ Flag. This flag suppresses appending options to the filter command line. If the $- or -$ flag is not present, the :filter_options or :of_filter_options for the :of filter values are appended to the filter command line. If the :bkf (Berkeley lpd filter compatible flag) is TRUE then the :bk_filter_options and :bk_of_filter_options values are used instead of the :filter_options and :of_filter_options values.
Table 16-1. Print Filter Command Line Options
Option | DefaultValue |
Option | DefaultValue |
filter_options | $C $F $H $J $L $P $Q $R $Z $a $c $d $e $f $h $i $j $k $l $n $p$r $s $w $x $y $-a |
of_filter_options | (same as filter_options) |
bk_filter_options | $P $w $l $x $y $F $c $L $i $J $C $0n $0h $-a |
bk_of_filter_options | $w $l $x $y |
By default, for programs that are not being invoked as print job file filters, the filter_options arguments are added. For print job filters, if the :bkf flag is set, then the bk_filter_options and bk_of_filter_options entries are used. The default bk filter options are the same as originally used with the BSD lpr filters. For the :of filter, either the of_filter_options or bk_of_filter_options arguments will be added.
The program arguments will then be scanned and interpreted. Arguments of the form $letter will be translated into values from the print job control file and/or printcap entry. The letters have the following meaning:
Table 16-2. Filter Command Line Options and Values
Option | Purpose or Value |
a | printcap af (accounting file name) |
b | job size (in K bytes) |
c | binary file (l format for print file) |
d | printcap cd or sd entry |
e | print job data file name (currently being processed) |
f | print job original name when spooled for printing (N info from control file) |
h | print job originating host (H info from control file) |
i | indent request (I info from control file) |
j | job number in spool queue |
k | print job control file name |
l | printcap pl (page length) |
m | printcap co |
n | user name (L info from control file) |
p | remote printer (when processing for bounce queue) |
r | remote host (when processing for bounce queue) |
s | printcap sf (status file) |
t | time in common UNIX format |
w | printcap pw (page width) |
x | printcap px (page x dimension) |
y | printcap py (page y dimension) |
F | print file format |
P | printer name |
S | printcap cm (comment field) |
Capital letter | Corresponding line from control file |
{key} | printcap value for key |
If there is no value for the specified argument, then the argument is removed from the list. If there is a value, the actual form of the substitution is controlled by additional flags as follows.
Table 16-3. Filter Command Line Option Format
Form | TranslatedValue |
$x | '-xvalue' |
$-x | 'value' |
$0x | -x 'value' |
$'x | -x value |
Each entry in quotes is treated as a single value, as in /bin/sh. The $'x does not quote the value. Combinations of the various flags are allowed. For example, $-x would simply substitute the value for x, and then pass the whitespace separated components as individual arguments. This last form is useful for adding in additional flags on the command line.
The command line is parsed, metacharacters are ruthlessly stripped from all arguments and pathnames and replaced by _ (underscores), and an argument list suitable for the execve system call is formed.
A sanitized environment is set up for the program execution, with the following environment variables.
Table 16-4. Filter Environment Variables
Variable Name | Meaning |
CONTROL | control file image |
HF | hold file image |
DATAFILES | list of data file names |
HOME | Home directory (client only) |
IFS | " \t" |
LD_LIBRARY_PATH | :filter_ld_path configuration information |
LOGDIR | Home directory (client only) |
LOGNAME | L control file line |
PATH | filter_path configuration information |
PRINTCAP_ENTRY | printcap information |
SHELL | :sh configuration information (default /bin/sh) |
SPOOL_DIR | :sd printcap information |
TZ | Time zone |
USER | User name (client only) |
If the filter is to be run by a client program such as lpr, then the environment variables specified by the pass_env configuration or printcap option will be extracted from the environment, have any metacharacters removed, and then placed in the environment variable list. Commonly, the PGPPASS, PGPPASSFD, and PGPPATH are specified.
The program is started, with STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR attached to the appropriate files or file descriptors. If none is specified, then they are attached to /dev/null.